Custom Harmonicas by Andrew Zajac
Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
By contacting me you are under no obligation to use my services.
**Sending me an email using the contact form below is preferred over phoning at this time.**

Toll-Free in USA and Canada: Dial 1-877-262-3994
09:00-15:00 EST
**Please note, due to a very heavy workload all calls will go directly to voicemail until I can get through my backlog. Please leave a message or use the contact form to send me an email.**
If I am away from my workbench, please leave a voice message including your contact information so that I can get back to you. Some days I may be able to get back to you faster via email. Please don't hesitate to send me an email message (below) even if you have already left a voice message.
I am present on Facebook but I DO NOT use Facebook Messenger. Please use the form below to send me an email or call me.
Please contact me using the form below. Be assured that I do not share your confidential information with anyone. I run my own website so your message comes straight to me and will only be used for personal communication with me.
I answer your messages promptly. If you have not received an answer within 36 hours, please check your spam/junk email folder. Also, please ensure that you enter the correct return email address.
*Vous pouvez m'écrire en Français.