My store is not taking any orders today due to health reasons which limit to my productivity.

My custom harmonicas, combs and tools are made to order. If items are out of stock on my website, it's likely due to my workload is at the limit. Please see my dealers for all items I offer.
Maximum production times may be up to 16 business days for combs and tools. Current production time for custom harmonicas are shown on the top of the custom page.

Thanks for your support.


I use checklists. They help me do my work better and faster.

"A checklist is a type of informational job aid used to reduce failure by compensating for potential limits of human memory and attention. It helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task." (Wikipedia)

I don't have a checklist for every task I do, I tend to make them up when I realize I keep repeating the same mistake. I also tend to revise some checklists quite often, incorporating new and better ways of doing things - just because I use a checklist doesn't mean I stop thinking. In fact, a checklist helps me come up with new ideas and incorporate them in my practice very easily.

There are two general types of checklists. The first is just a list. For example, you make a list of things you need to pack before going on a trip. Before you leave, you go through the list to make sure you haven't forgotten anything. This is generally called "Do - Confirm"

The second type is generally called "Read - Do" and it breaks down the steps of a task. It's meant to be read in sequence and each step of the task is performed before you move on to the next step.

I will be publishing some checklists in the coming weeks right here on my website. I hope you find them useful!

I won't publish every checklist I use. But I may make up some new ones to help those who prefer having a written guide when they try out a new task for the first time.